Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Changes in Life

It has been a long time since I wrote on this blog and it is really interesting to see how my life has changed since I first wrote on this blog. I was looking back and reading some of the things that I wrote and it really got to thinking about my past and the way things used to be.... I enjoy looking at the past and I am excited for the future....I think that I may begin to blog again, cause it helps me think through this journey that is called life.

In some ways as I look back I am better, in others I am not. I was reading one of the first post that I wrote, I was a freshman in college in my second semester, oh how have time change, but yet I enjoyed reading it because I looked back to how I have grown. Yet I am some how haunted that I have lost some spirit along the way and that makes me sad.

I have been thinking a lot about the future and dreams, but that is for another post.

Bye for now.

1 comment:

David Morrison said...

There was a time where I too felt like I had lost some "spirit." I felt like maybe some of my innocence had diminished and the "reality" of this sometimes hard life had edged its way in with a big eraser. It was hard and I grieved the loss of my carefreeness, but it really gave way to truly defining what I believed in and who I wanted to be. Now it's a lot harder for anything to dampen THAT spirit.
Thank you for your posts!