Saturday, February 14, 2009

A Little bit about me

So this is what I have been up to the past few months.

I surprised my mother and father in the middle of December in Greenville, IL. Meeting them at the Kendalls, and then I traveled with them across the Midwest as we visit family for Christmas.

I have left California quit my job at walmart and Moved to Temperance, MI which is right next to Toledo, OH. I have been working part time, and looking for full time work, or free lance work.

I have been adjusting to a different life than what I have been living. It has been an interesting transition, but it has been good.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Need for Community

Why can't a man be happy just being alone? Why do we always want to do or have something to keep us busy or entertain?

The answer is because we weren't made (or hardwired) to be alone. In the past few months and days I have been discovering more and more the need for people to be together. In a crisis people come together for help because we need each other. According to Genesis in the bible it is why God created Eve. (Genesis 2:18).

It is funny how in an age with technology that can reach across the globe, and the popularity of social networks like facebook or myspace, and yet we still don't know our neighbors or reach out to the people we see or pass by everyday. We love to be in our little groups, and even then are we being really real with those people or are we putting on an act.

I know for me, it isn't easy stepping out and branching out into a new community group, but maybe that is what I should be doing. We love to talk about the lasted new thing in fashion, music, sports, movies, and televisions, but we are scared to talk about the stuff that truly matters in life. Why are we as people so afraid? What do we have to fear? Yet I still run to my shell and hide, because it is easy to hide, but hard to be vulnerable to people.

What if people (if christians) could be come a people that shared who they are instead of trying to pretend to be perfect. What if we became honest and true to who we are. What if we were real, do you think we could change the world?

Maybe I am just a radical thinker, but maybe this world needs some radical thinking. But it can't be done if just one does it, but it can start from just one.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

If Only Life Was Like A Video Game

Growing up I enjoyed playing video games with my brother, then only thing on certain games if things weren't going well, or the if outcomes we would want to happen were not a reality then we would hit the restart button.

It seems these days with the economy and life many people are trying to find a restart button, to get there life back to the way it used to be. Only life is not a video game. and there are no restart buttons.

We love the idea of restarting and starting anew, just look at how science fiction loves the idea of being reborn, and coming back to life, but that isn't possible. I myself, have done a bit of a change, I can never restart, but I can change, and start a new, not restart, but a new path.

There is however one restart we can have on this earth, it is not a physical restart, but a spiritual one. It happens when we except Jesus Christ into our life. It is where the past sin is forgot and we can start a new, fresh and clean. If only life could be that easy.

As for me, I am enjoying the journey in my new transition and I am trusting the Lord to guide my path in life. I have no idea where it will take me, but I am excited to be on the adventure.

That's all for now.